Rooibos tea can be a fantastic base for kombucha brewing! It brings a naturally caffeine-free, slightly sweet, and earthy flavor profile to the final product. While the process of making rooibos tea kombucha is essentially the same as brewing traditional kombucha, you’ll be substituting rooibos tea in place of regular black or green tea. Follow the standard kombucha-making recipe here: How to Make Kombucha, and simply make this swap while keeping everything else the same.
When making rooibos tea kombucha, the general recommendation is to use 8 teaspoons of rooibos tea per gallon batch. If you prefer a stronger and more robust flavor, feel free to add more—there’s really no wrong answer here. It all comes down to personal preference. When in doubt, start with 8 teaspoons and adjust future batches as needed.
Once the primary fermentation is complete, you can chill and serve it as is, or continue with the secondary fermentation to bottle, flavor, and carbonate your kombucha in air tight bottles.
You can find the complete directions here: “How to Bottle, Flavor, and Carbonate Kombucha.“
Rooibos tea kombucha is just as versatile as traditional kombucha, so don’t hesitate to experiment with flavoring options to create your perfect batch.
Happy brewing!